Life and Peace

Life and Peace

Today is Mother’s Day. It is also my birthday. My second one without my beloved Ian. During these days of social distancing due to the coronavirus that has swept our world, and with one daughter and my first grandbaby living a thousand miles away, I didn’t get to see all of my children either. At least I saw Raewyn and Vicki, and we had a lovely visit.

Today I would like to share with you another Mother’s Day/birthday sixteen years ago. It was also a quiet day, for different reasons, but at that time my family was intact and we had the nine of us were living in one small house on five acres… This was written on May 10, 2004.

Life and Peace

Romans 8:4-6
4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

The sun was shining brightly and the birds were singing in chorus when I awoke this morning, yet my heart was heavy. I had good reason to believe there was going to be no Mother’s Day or birthday celebration for this mother. I expected it to be a dull, uninspiring day in contrast to the expectations that would persist despite evidence to the contrary. But it was a lovely day after all…

First thing this morning, the Lord reminded me of much-needed lesson as I read the scripture verses quoted above. This was followed by a shot in the arm from a friend, which helped to restore the sunshine to my heart. It was a day spent quietly doing things I enjoy. I spent hours strolling down memory lane by way of the pages of my journal, reliving special birthdays of the past… and seeing afresh the hand of God in my life through the years. I have so much to be thankful for, in the family I grew up in, my brothers and sister, my parents, my pastor and church friends, my school friends… my first husband and the blessing of our marriage, until his homegoing in July 1978… new mentors, friends, and lessons learned, at Prairie Bible Institute… my beloved Ian, our children, and wonderful friends in our church of the past nine years…

This year was a year for gifts of the heart… a letter… a special message… an e-card… an email… an e-card exchange with someone who shares my birthday… and lots of well-wishes from my family. Thank you, Cheryl, Ginny, Ivy, Hannah, Colleen, Glenn & Marsha, Mom, Ian & children, and last but not least, Jimmer. I love you all!!

Yes, it was on this day in 1953… Mother’s Day, in fact… that my dad took my mom fishing with him and nearly caught a baby. Daddy had to help Mom crawl under a barb wire fence, scramble to the car, and drive at breakneck speed to get to the hospital twenty miles away, before the precipitous birth of a baby girl who was bent on a hurried appearance – two weeks ahead of schedule! It’s the only time in my life I have ever been in a hurry. My father vowed he would never take my mom fishing with him again… and he never did.

Yesterday I called my mother, and she gave me a gift perhaps without realizing it, as she shared stories and insights about her parents, and about my father, who died when I was seven years old.

My mother lives over 2000 miles away, and the day is coming when those stories will remain silent forever… and I am glad to have the privilege of knowing some of them before it is too late. I never knew my father very well, since he was sick for two years before his death. My brothers, who are younger than I, have even fewer memories than I. Our dad was a special man, and one I wish I had the privilege of knowing… so to get to know him through my mom even now is a gift indeed.

So while it was a quiet day, it was after all my day, and one which suited me just fine. A day spent reflecting on God’s goodness and mercy in my life in the past… in the present… and in the future.

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2 thoughts on “Life and Peace

  1. Hope you are keeping well, and that you get to snuggle that precious grand baby soon. I sent you a pm.

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