Keep Your Distance!

Keep Your Distance!

Social distancing, hand washing, face masks, and the pressure to get the vaccine, have become a way of life that none of us could have imagined less than two years ago. With so many contradicting “facts” coming at us from all directions, it is hard to know who to believe. Whoever and whatever you believe all that is said about it or not, you feel it, even now, after all this time.

Remember what it was like in March 2020? Fear of contamination was everywhere. Friends and family were divided, as people polarized over any or all of the issues. At some level you would do everything you could to avoid contracting the dread disease. If anyone even coughed, you wanted to know why. If there was any doubt in your mind, you would stay as far away from that person as you could.

For many people it went far beyond normal. Their fear of the coronavirus crippled them with fear, and turned them into hermits. That kind of fear is neither good, nor healthy.

Neither do we want to be foolish, and throw all caution to the wind. The virus is real, and potentially life-threatening.

But there is a far greater threat to mankind, which the vast majority treat lightly, if they give it any thought at all. That threat is sin. A healthy attitude toward the coronavirus is a picture of what our attitude should be toward temptation and sin in our lives.

The recovering alcoholic or drug addict knows the danger of “just one”. What most of us don’t realize is that every sin, “big” or “small”, has that same powerful pull, and is just as devastating if we give in.

If we are honest, we will admit, most of the trouble we get into is the result of giving into the “little” temptations. Little by little it grows until it’s really got hold of us. We must avoid sin like the plague it is.

Treat sin the same way you do coronavirus. Run as far as you can from any suggestion of it.

“Abstain from all appearance of evil.” – 2 Thessalonians 5:22

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