Just a Matter of Perspective?

A few weeks ago I posted a quote on Facebook:
“There is no such thing as ‘your truth’ or ‘my truth.’ There is only THE truth. Truth, like gravity, is absolute. It just is.” – Heidi St. John
In response, someone posted the following picture:

What’s Wrong with This Picture?
On the surface, it appears to be accurate, but it has a fundamental flaw. My friend was trying to show that all three are true, depending on the viewer’s perspective – but that simply is not true. It is not a circle, and it is not a square. The individual’s perspective is giving only a part of the real picture, and none of the parts is true.
Melissa Dougherty points out the fundamental flaw in this short video:
Recent events in Ottawa, Canada, have shown clearly that there is a wide disparity between what the mainstream media would have us believe, and what is shown by those who were there, actually experiencing it and recording it for all to see. Who are you going to believe?
A person’s background, age, socio-economic status, political views, spiritual maturity, and the society he is part of, are among the many factors that play a role in how he decides who to listens to, and what to believes.
As followers of Christ, let’s be sure we are not listening to partial truths or outright lies. Let’s go the Lord and His Word to find the truth.
John 4:23-24
23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
2 thoughts on “Just a Matter of Perspective?”
Saying ‘I see a dark blue circle in a light blue circle’ is true. So is ‘I see a dark brown square in a light brown circle’ true. While neither observation exposes the whole truth, those 2 statements are true,
They are true only as far as they go. If you say, “I see…”, it’s true from the perspective from which you are viewing it. But neither of those observations goes far enough, because they are not THE truth. That’s the point I am trying to make. As Melissa says in the video, we must take into account the meaning and intention of the one who wrote it or put it there in the first place. All of us are limited in our understanding of current events, or, far more important, God’s Word. But the more we get to know the Author, and the more He molds us into the image of His Son, the more fully we can understand His Word.