December – Joy? or Sorrow?
Every year at this time, I am reminded that December is not a joyous month for everyone. And every year at this time, I am reminded of the worst December ever, for our family. December 2009 is when we lost our beloved son and brother, James.
The night before James died, our whole family got together to celebrate the marriage of our oldest daughter, Irene. We did not know it was the last time our family would be all together. We had a blast, as we always do. I wrote about that memorable night here.
The following night, James got off work (evening shift) and went for a drive to unwind before going home, as he often did. But he never made it home. I wrote about that unforgettable night here.
The coming of Christ, the Son of God, very God in the flesh, is the reason I can rejoice during the month of December, even with its sad memories — and throughout the year, day by day. The day Christ came to earth as an infant was truly a day of rejoicing, for those who understood. It was the day of the arrival of the long-promised Messiah. We know that day was very likely NOT December 25th, the day we choose to celebrate it. Nor is it the only day in the year for us to be thankful He came. We should rejoice every day, all year long, that He came as the Lamb of God Who would die on the cross of Calvary to take away the sins of all who trust in Him.
This is a new song to me, though it may not be new to you. May it be a blessing to you, as you follow along with the lyrics. Exult in the Saviour’s Birth!
One thought on “December – Joy? or Sorrow?”
Good post.